Monday, July 17, 2006

What A Relief!

Well my child is going on his second week at his new daycare and he loves it. He still comes home and acts like Archie Bunker but that's just part of his personality. He only once has said he didn't like the new daycare and that's the day he fell asleep at the table eating, they teachers placed him on a mat so he would be more comfortable and when he woke up (an hour later) he was furious. All I could do was laugh, he gets mad at me also when I lay him on his bed after he's fallen asleep. He doesn't ever want to go to sleep, he thinks he's going to miss something.

Other than that he's very happy there and he has a few friends from school there too. I am really surprised at how well he took this change. Normally he doesn't react well to change, he freaks out when I try to clean the house and puts the mess back as fast as I put it in order, till I finally give up. But this change of environments hasn't even fazed him.

He enjoys the field trips they go on every day and I've had to explain to him that he doesn't have to fight at this daycare. His first day he came home and told me, "We keep our hands and feet to ourselves, and we don't hit or kick, we use our words", at the other place that's what he had to do just to survive.

We really lucked out finding this daycare.

Thank God!